Typhonix launches multiphase sampler
Typhonix has developed a new multiphase sampler for fluid phase quality assessments. The new sampler improves sampling from both two and three phase petroleum flows. Uncertainties associated with fluid changes during filling as well as influences by free and dissolved gas flotation are reduced by this new sampling device and method. The sampler will be tested at the Oseberg field in March 2012 and will be commercial available by June this year.16.03.2012
- Representative sampling made easier
Typhoon multiphase samplers reduce sources of errors associated with turbulence during filling, free gas flotation during container filling and dissolved gas flotation during container filling or pressure release. The samplers can be used to collect multiphase samples for analysis on especially the liquid phases, but also on the gas phase if required. They can be used in process optimization studies of any kind, like testing of old or new equipment, or when the effect of production chemicals is to be studied. The samplers are portable, easy to operate and provides large sample volumes. In contrast to the commonly used sampling solutions of today, the new samplers and methods enables the collection of representative liquid samples at any gas/liquid ratios.
Features & Benefits
- The sampler eases/enables sampling on high GLR flows.
- The sampler provides larger sample volumes – limits the effect of temporary process fluctuations.
- Fluid which is analyzed is not exposed to pressure drop/shear forces during sampling.
- Free gas flotation during sampling is eliminated.
- Concentration of oil in water is measured on samples not exposed to dissolved gas flotation.
- Concentration of water in oil is measured on samples not exposed to dissolved gas flotation.
- Oil droplet sizes in water is measured by a method where dissolved gas flotation effects are controlled.
- Online oil in water droplet size measurements, of the water phase, are possible from both two and three phase flows up to a system pressure of 20 bar. This requires an online EX instrument (Malvern Insitec).
- Online oil in water concentration measurements, of the water phase, are possible from both two and three phase flows up to any system pressure. This requires an online EX instrument (several possibilities).
- Process optimization studies
- Separation efficiency studies
- Oil and Water quality assessments
- Assessment of efficiency of production chemicals
For more information on the sampler contact Trygve Husveg +47 926 85 626