OTC in Houston
An interesting paper with the title: “Design Considerations to Minimize Hydrocarbon Entrainment in the Aqueous Phase” is presented at the OTC in Houston this spring.27.04.2018
An interesting paper with the title: “Design Considerations to Minimize Hydrocarbon Entrainment in the Aqueous Phase” is presented at the OTC in Houston this spring. The paper (OTC-28660-MA) discusses where and how hydrocarbons are emulsified in the produced water or rich MEG streams in the production system. Additionally, solutions and design considerations to avoid or reduce emulsification are presented and discussed. Form the paper it is clear that shear in valves and pumps is an important factor in this. Use of low shear alternatives is discussed and tests and simulations show these to be a viable solution. The presentation is given by Tom Latta from Advision and can be witnessed in session 007 – Topside Innovative Processing and Design on Monday April 30.